+91 9810427172


Service Description


Tuning of all makes grand and upright pianos which arte in a decent condition, provided no repairs are urgently needed in order to perform a quality tuning.

Pitch raising

If a piano has not been tuned for a few years, a pitch raising needs to be done before the final tuning. We will be able to advise you on the necessity for this service, and we possess the knowledge and skills to perform this task to perfection.


We are geared and able to perform all the repair work your piano might
require, including:

Replacing felt, Replacing strings, Repairing damaged components, - etc.


It is sometimes necessary for your piano to be regulated so that the moving components can function optimally. We will be able to advise you on the necessity for this service, and we possess the knowledge and skills to perform this task to perfection.


If you need your piano to be moved, we have the equipment, skills and manpower to perform this heavy task.


If your piano's cabinet is damaged in any way, we can restore it to its former glory so it can once again be a focal point in your house and a family heirloom.


We will visit you to give you a quotation on the repair work needed on your piano, so you can budget properly. No telephonic quotations will be done!


We rent out pianos for functions as well as for long term use.

General advice

Contact us to get general advice on the upkeep of your piano, for instance where to position it in your house, etc.

Find a music teacher

We can hopefully assist you to find a music teacher in your area.